Ethics in Game-Based Solutions and Gamification | Episode 153

 Listen to this episode on your phone! Photo by timJ on Unsplash Special episode Engagers! This time we have no guest and I dive straight into the very important topic of ethics in our world of game-based solutions and gamification! I talk about some ideas of fellow creators and past guests Andrzej Marczewski -@daverage- of and Nir Eyal. I mention this in the episode but we’ll highlight this Continue Reading →

Sylvester Arnab’s Hybrid Gamification Model | Episode 139

 Listen to this episode on your phone! Sylvester Arnab- professor of Game Science, who is the applied innovation lead at the Disruptive Media Learning Lab of Coventry University, an associate of the Centre for Post-Digital Cultures, and the co-founder of the award-winning GameChangers initiative. You can find Sylvester on Twitter as @sarnab75 or on Linkedin as Sylvester Arnab Links to episode mentions: Disruptive Media Learning Lab of Coventry University Continue Reading →

Second Anniversary of Professor Game! | Episode 107

 Listen to this episode on your phone! This episode is, not only our celebration for the anniversary, it is also special because it is something new I haven’t tried on the podcast before. It is a completely solo episode, where I share with you, The Engagers, what is the general process I use for creating a solution with gamification. It is general, there is a lot more detail behind Continue Reading →

Timers in Game Thinking for L&D with Zsolt Olah | Episode 077

Listen to this episode on your phone! Zsolt Olah is a creative learning consultant at Kineo with over 15 years of L&D experience. Zsolt is a frequent speaker at learning conferences on the subject of engagement and game thinking for L&D. He was in the top 50 authors of the year on for two consecutive years, and he’s also published a gameful book, called Engage the WORL&D!: A whimsical, Continue Reading →

Adam Palmquist and ethical gamification | Episode 073

Listen to this episode on your phone! Adam has worked as a game designer and game consultant for educational and serious games all around in Scandinavia. He has wrote the first, and as for today, the only book in Swedish about Gamification. Today Adam is a Ph.D. candidate in Informatics at the University of Skövde. He also works as a gamification designer and evangelist at the Swedish gamification studio Insert Continue Reading →

Gamification to increase performance with Munch Lam | Episode 067

Listen to this episode on your phone! Mun Choong (Munch) Munch is a serial tech entrepreneur based in Singapore. He is intrigued by how technology is fundamentally transforming how we socialize, learn, lead, work and play. He is the Founder and CEO of Selfdrvn Enterprise (Selfdrvn), a SaaS solution provider to help organizations improve workforce engagement and performance with positive psychology powered by mobile, AI, analytics and gamification. Munch was Continue Reading →

Gamification Europe 2018 Panel with Juliette Denny, Munch Lam and Will Stuart-Jones | Episode 064

Listen to this episode on your phone! This is a special episode, instead of a regular interview you will have access to the audio version of the panel I moderated during Gamification Europe 2018 in Amsterdam, featuring Juliette Denny, Munch Lam and Will Stuart-Jones. Juliette Denny is the managing director of Growth Engineering which is a company that helps the corporate world make their learning a lot more engaging. They Continue Reading →

Jan Bidner talks about UX, clowns and gamification | Episode 60

Listen to this episode on your phone! Jan Bidner is as a gamification designer and UX strategist and has worked as a consultant in the IT Industry for over 15 years. He has been an advocate for storytelling, game design thinking and user-centered design even longer. With a background in acting and teaching drama, he always brings a bit of playfulness into everything he does. Lately, he has been working Continue Reading →

Ep 058 David Chandross brings gamification to healthcare education

Listen to this episode on your phone! David Chandross began his career as a neuroscientist working in the field of selective attention and cognitive science. After receiving his Ph.D. in curriculum and a second masters degree in medical education he went on to become an academic Dean and then held positions in senior administration across Canada in higher education. His work in gamification began in the 1990s and matured in Continue Reading →

Ep 054 First Anniversary of Professor Game!

Listen to this episode on your phone! This is a really special episode! We celebrate the first year of the podcast with the engagers, past guests, reflections, looking at the future, inviting you to the podcast and even a giveaway for the lucky ones to win from our email list (register here if you would like to participate!) Past guests talk about some fun facts from their episodes, comment on Continue Reading →